FHS 401 Research
New as of Fall 2024: Students who have not yet taken FHS 401 and will enroll in it for fall 2024, will sign up for FHS 401 and take Pathway 1, an Introduction to FHS 401, before joining a research lab for additional FHS 401 credit (Pathway 2). If you would like to bypass Pathway 1, please reach out to the FHS 401 instructor to sign up for a research experience on SignUpGenius. A list of research opportunities for the 2024-2025 Academic Year can be found here.
Students in the Direct Service Intensive track are required to complete 1 credit of FHS 401 (a minimum of 30 hours). Students in the Fundamentals track are required to complete 3 credits (a minimum of 90 hours) and students in the Prevention Science Track are required to complete 7 credits of FHS 401 (a minimum of 210 hours). Please note that these credit requirements start in Fall 2024. Connect with a COE Academic Advisor if your program plan is before the Fall 2024 program change.
Paid research opportunity note: A student cannot be paid from a federal or state grant and receive FHS 401 credit for the same work. If the duties are very clearly different, you could receive pay for 1 set of duties and FHS 401 credit for a separate set of duties. Please confirm with the research faculty you will work with that your paid and credit hours will not overlap.
Click here to review FHS 401 Frequently Asked Questions.
Research Introduction Option (1st term): 1. There are several research activities that you may choose to complete and create positive learning experiences about research. With this research option, 1 credit of 401: Research requires you to complete 30 activity points during the term in which you registered for 401 credits. 2. To track your points, you must fill out and submit the Activity Point Tracking Form. The form includes a list of qualifying FHS-approved activities. Activity Point Tracking Form lists Qualifying Activities and Instructions. 3. Fill in the Tracking Form throughout the term. The Tracking Form must be uploaded to Canvas by 5pm on the Friday of Week 5 for mid-term check in and Week 10 for final submission. |
Research Activity Option (Cont. 401): 1. Reach out to the FHS 401 instructor to sign up for a research experience on SignUpGenius. A list of research opportunities for the 2024-2025 Academic Year can be found here. 2. Apply by emailing the faculty using this email template and following any additional instructions for each position. 3. Once you have been selected for a position, register for FHS 401: Research credits. For summer term only, please email fhs@uoregon.edu and CC: your group or project faculty supervisor to receive clearance to sign up for FHS 401. 4. Fill in the Hours Timesheet throughout the term. The Hours Timesheet must be uploaded to Canvas by 5pm on the Friday of Week 5 for mid-term check in and Week 10 for final submission. |